Title: Secret Author: semisweetsoul Rating: PG-13 Prompt: #23 "This will be our little secret" @lj-scribe Word Count: 112 words A/N: Cross-posted to lj-scribe. It's here. I know I won't make it to the poll but I thought I'd posted it anyway.
Title: So close Author: semisweetsoul Rating: G Prompt: #21 "May I have this dance?" @lj-scribe Word Count: Drabble (100 words text only) A/N: Cross-posted to lj-scribe. It's here.
Title: Destined Author: semisweetsoul Rating: PG Prompt: #20 sorry to bother you in the middle of diner @lj-scribe Summary: There was no escaping sadness. Word Count: 200 words (text only) A/N: Cross-posted to lj-scribe. It's here.